Our mechanchim, parents and supporters know that success does not happen by accident.
As Rambam teaches, we view Chinuch as a delicate scale: every moment and every interaction is the potential moment that will make or break a student. Our commitment is to give every Talmid every reason to make it.
Drawing on the insights and experience of over 120 years of formal Lubavitch education, we are taking a fresh and truly holistic approach to Chassidishe chinuch, in which:
- A child is respected as an individual whose sense of safety, dignity and worth is paramount
- Success is defined by combined excellence in knowledge, learning skills, life skills and mentchlichkeit. With this foundation, our graduates will be prime candidates for any Lubavitcher Mesivta and proud champions of Derech Hachassidus in any eventual climate
Welcome to the era of Intentional Chinuch.

Our Mechanchim, Parents and Supporters Know that Success Does not Happen by Accident

As Rambam teaches, we view Chinuch as a delicate scale: Every moment and every interaction is the potential moment that will make or break a student. Our commitment is to give every Talmid every reason to make it.
Drawing on the insights and experience of over 120 years of formal Lubavitch education, we are taking a fresh and truly holistic approach to Chassidishe chinuch, in which:
- A child is respected as an individual whose sense of safety, dignity and worth is paramount.
- Success is defined by combined excellence in knowledge, learning skills, life skills and mentchlichkeit. With this foundation, our graduates will be prime candidates for any Lubavitcher Mesivta and proud champions of Derech Hachassidus in any eventual climate.
Welcome to the era of Intentional Chinuch