Elementary Photos

Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway

Parenting Lecture Series

An upcoming parenting event on understanding our children will feature veteran mechanchim Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz, Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, and Rabbi Yaacov Sebbag As part of their efforts to be leaders of intentional chinuch, the PTA of the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva at Ocean Parkway has partnered together with Beis Hamedrash Mishkan Moshe to host a parenting lecture series open to the community. This upcoming lecture will focus on understanding our children, building bridges to help them grow, and creatively using the power of positivity. The event will feature three veteran mechanchim: Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz, Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, and Rabbi Yaacov Sebbag. Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz is an educational consult and mentor. Rabbi Markowitz teaches in Morristown, NJ and Monsey, NY. His pedagogical philosophy is centered around creating a loving classroom environment and inspiring each child to fulfill his or her unique potential through positive reinforcement. Rabbi Rosenblum is an innovative educator and administrator. He was influential in establishing Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the International Sefer HaMitzvos Competition including authoring the Sefer HaMitsvos booklets used by over 40 schools. Rabbi Rosenblum, also served as principal of Yeshiva Achei Timmim in Pittsburgh (Yeshiva Schools), PA for over 25 years. Currently, he serves in a dual role as Education Director at ULYOP and Yeshiva Schools. Rabbi Yaacov Sebbag is principal at ULY OP and brings with him an impressively broad educational background, having previously served as teacher, principal and curriculum developer at Darchai Menachem for many years. He has undergone extensive training and has received certification in areas of special education, curriculum development and classroom behavior management. As principal, Rabbi Sebbag is responsible for leading the academic staff and setting the tone of the school’s educational vision. The event will take place Monday the 27th of Cheshvan (Nov. 25) at Beis Hamedrash Mishkan Moshe, 580 Crown St. The program will begin at 8:00 PM with separate seating for men and women.

November 17, 2019 0

Engineering Class

October 28, 2019 0

Mivtziom @ ULYOP

October 22, 2019 0

First Day!

September 3, 2019 0

ULYOP Welcomes Rabbi Rosenblum as New Educational Director

United Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway is proud to announce the addition of a new member of its leadership team, Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, who will serve as the yeshiva’s Educational Director. Rabbi Rosenblum’s changing role in Pittsburgh will allow for him to serve as Educational Director at ULYOP. Rabbi Rosenblum brings with him over 30 years of experience in chinuch. In that time, he has invested significant amounts of time and effort developing clarity about the many distinct components of successful Chumash teaching and learning. As Educational Director of ULY Ocean Parkway, Rabbi Rosenblum will draw upon this expertise to help the yeshiva continue to enhance both the content and implementation of its curriculum, providing guidance to both administrators and teachers to ensure success in the classrooms. He will do this by observing classes, meeting with teachers, analyzing assessment data, and continuing to develop the yeshiva’s growing curriculum. In general, ULYOP prides itself on teaching with a high level of intentionality. One of the defining aspects of the yeshiva is its efforts to clearly identify and track each talmid’s progress in the many text skills, comprehension skills, yedios, and hashkafos needed in order to smoothly progress from learning Kriya in Pre1a to finishing eighth grade feeling prepared and excited to learn Gemara, Halacha, Chassidus, Chitas, Rambam, and more in mesivta. The yeshiva is confident that having Rabbi Rosenblum on staff will contribute significantly to the fulfilment of this vision. “It’s not every day that a yeshiva gets an opportunity to add such an expert mechanech to its team,†commented ULYOP principal Rabbi Yaacov Sebbag. “Every day we’re making progress toward the type of curriculum that is at the heart of our yeshiva’s vision, and Rabbi Rosenblum is really going to help us accelerate that process.†For more information about the exciting work that is happening at United Lubavitcher Yeshiva Ocean Parkway, visit www.ulyop.com.

May 24, 2019 0

Lag B’Omer

May 17, 2019 0