Author: Principal

Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway

Limudim Bal Peh Auction! 5500 + Lines Learned!

Talmidim were treated to a grand auction right before dismissal today. Mazal Tov to all the winners and keep on learning.

January 22, 2019 0

Yud Shevat Melava Malka

The talmidim of Tomchei Temimim Ocean Parkway joined their fathers, zaidy’s, uncles and brothers for a palatably warm yud shvat farbrengen and melave malkah. The PTA set up the room to match event’s theme – “Kol Ha Shvi’in Chavivin.” They built masterful centerpieces with pictures of the rabbeim and gold batai mikdashos to adorn the tables. Principals Rabbi Sebbag and Rabbi Turk emceed the event. Opening with a warm welcome, dvar malchus video, and niggun, the event continued with family learning of Basi Legani. It was especially heartwarming when everyone sang tzama lecha nafshi following the Rebbe in the video. Later, the talmidim tested their knowledge of Basi Legani by playing a live Kahoot game using their father’s cellphones. On the giant screen everyone was able to watch the answers pour in as the students raced against the clock. To supercharge the already meaningful evening, the talmidim of kitas Pre1A, alef, daled and hey made spirited presentations. Pre1A demonstrated, via video, how well they know over 100 milim from Parshas Berishis (in preparation for next year). Kita Alef reviewed Tanya Bal Peh for the audience, and Kitas Daled and Hey made a siyum on Mishnayos Bal Peh. Talmid Elchonon Krolitzky said an eloquent Dvar Torah representing the six talmidim in his class who finished a meschta bal peh bivas achas. Overall, the talmidim have already completed 4700+ lines of limudim bal peh in recent months. Upon leaving, a parent noted, “I am so happy that this exciting event is typical of the many events and activities ULY OP does throughout the year. The hanohloh is mechanach al pi darkoh and uses a positive approach to chinuch that resonates with all the talmidim.” 000000000

January 21, 2019 0

Preschool In Action!

December 30, 2018 0

Kita Aleph Melava Malka

Thank you to Rabbi Stienmetz for organizing this beautiful Melava Malka!

December 30, 2018 0

Yom Limud Av Uben

December 24, 2018 0

Interactive Math Practice On The Smart-board!

We all lined up to, relay race style, to play a speed math race on the smart-board.Â

December 14, 2018 0

Pre1A Hands-on Learning Parsha

Before going into golus Mitzrayim, Yakov Avinu sent his son Yehudah to prepare by opening yeshivois.Â

December 14, 2018 0