Author: Principal

Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway

Math Bingo

January 2, 2018 0

Parachute Gym Class

Learning to work together and follow instructions while we develop our gross motor skills.      

January 1, 2018 0

Read-A-Thon Prizes!

December 27, 2017 0

Hey Teves Read-A-Thon Launched!

ULYOP PTA Hey Teves Read-A-Thon What is the Read-a-thon? The Read-a-thon will be our largest Fundraiser of the year. Participants earn money by reading, logging minutes read and gathering pledges . Participants will set a reading goal and will have the designated days above to reach their goal. Participants get pledges from family, friends, neighbors and businesses to support their efforts. Donors can either pledge a certain amount of money per minute read or make a flat donation. How do I get Pledges? Ask friends and family! What is our goal? Our #1 goal is to make sure ALL students end the event with a stronger desire to learn Torah, read and a richer knowledge of how the skill of reading affects all aspects of their lives. Reading: We have a school wide goal to read 20k minutes!! If every student reads 20 minutes a day we will reach our goal in a week!! Pledging: We hope to collect $2000 in pledges. If every student collects $20, we will reach this goal. What happens if we reach our goal? We will have funds to build our reading library at the yeshiva. Rules for Readers 1. Reading before Hey Teves does not count towards Read-a-thon goals. 2. You can only read a book once for the contest. When you finish that book, read another! 3. Other people reading aloud to you counts in first grade. 4. Reading aloud to other people counts. 5. Reading in a tree, on the bus, in the car, on an airplane, in a hotel and under the bed covers with a flashlight counts (as long as your parents give you permission) 6. Please read Jewish books and any parent approved readable material counts! 7. Reading instead of doing your homework does not count 8. No guessing or rounding off minutes. Please look at the clock or use a timer or stopwatch. 9. Please be honest so that it will be fair and fun for everyone! Your parents or teacher need to initial your form each day. 10. Bring your reading chart to school daily.   Click here to go to the Read-A-Thon sponsor / donate page.    

December 22, 2017 0

770 Chanukah Rally!

December 13, 2017 0

Haneiros Cards


December 12, 2017 0