
Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway

Preschool In Action!

December 30, 2018 0

Kita Aleph Melava Malka

Thank you to Rabbi Stienmetz for organizing this beautiful Melava Malka!

December 30, 2018 0

Yom Limud Av Uben

December 24, 2018 0

Interactive Math Practice On The Smart-board!

We all lined up to, relay race style, to play a speed math race on the smart-board.Â

December 14, 2018 0

Pre1A Hands-on Learning Parsha

Before going into golus Mitzrayim, Yakov Avinu sent his son Yehudah to prepare by opening yeshivois.Â

December 14, 2018 0

Guest Music Star!

In honor of Hey Teves, Talmid Hatomim Chaim Yitchok Klien played Didan Notzach for the Talmidim of Pre1A! Thank you for the treat!

December 14, 2018 0

Picture of The Day: Pre1A Tested on 60 Milim!

Rabbi Turk tested the talmidim and was very impressed that they knew the words backwards and forwards. Talmidim were able to translate from Lashon Kodesh to English and vice versa!  Thank you Rabbi Steinments for preparing them for Chumash next year! Sample of the words studied. 

December 14, 2018 0