
Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway

Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen!

A huge THANK YOU to the PTA for the beautiful setup! Guest Speaker: Rabbi Shimmy Wienbaum of Tzivos Hashem

December 7, 2017 0

Computer Lab Phase 1

Rabbi Broh’s class racing against a clock to practice Roshei Teivos.

December 1, 2017 0

Tzivos Hashem Albums!

Today we gave out the Tzivos Hashem Albums at our Friday Erev Shabbos Rally.

November 30, 2017 0

Syllable Perception!

Students use their skills to perceive the sounds in a syllable and spell words.  

November 20, 2017 0

Model Sukkah Competition


October 20, 2017 0