Completely Integrated Curriculum
It is our mission to provide our תלמידים with a plan that works from year to year. Our classes are set up with teachers who work in teams and have two years to accomplish the goals.
Summary of The Areas Of Focus:
New Subjects Introduced: קריאה, כתיבה, חומש
These years are foundational. Our goal is to focus on קריאה, כתיבה and the foundations of חומש (including a strong שורשים program). We want our students to achieve mastery of these elemental core subjects. Doing so will transform the subsequent years of חינוך for each child and provide him with the confidence to champion his learning.
Continued Development: קריאה, כתיבה, חומש
New Subjects Introduced: רש”י, משניות
With the elemental prerequisite skills and knowledge in place from pre1A and 1st grades, the students are now ready for deeper חומש, רש”י and the introduction of משניות. Deeper חומש means that תלמידים are able to ask and analyze the פסוקים they are learning so that they can predict questions that רש”י may ask. We are asking our תלמידים to read, translate, and think deeply about the meaning and value of every word.
These areas of learning material and skill are essential before beginning גמרא.
Continued Development: חומש, רש”י, משניות
New Subjects Introduced: גמרא, הלכה בפנים, נביא
The areas of focus in these grades are thorough חומש, deep משניות learning and the introduction of גמרא.
משניות is also taught with great detail and intentional learning. This means that in addition to reading and translating, students should master the אומר, מקרה, דין of every משנה and פרק including understanding the who, what, where, and when about every case.
Continued Development: חומש, רש”י, משניות, גמרא, הלכה בפנים, נביא
New Subjects Introduced: גמרא רש”י
Like our other areas of focus, גמרא is also developed in a way were the goal is much stronger than reading and translating. It is imperative that our תלמידים understand the structure of גמרא and the מילי מפתחות that lead to understanding this structure. Strong חזרה of the words and concepts is the cornerstone of the גמרא learning in these grades.
Subject areas that are taught across all grades include :
If you want to be able to understand the value of every word in every פסוק, you must learn דקדוק.
מידות are an essential part of חינוך. The ישיבה selects a מידה טובה every month that the teachers focus on. Class time is dedicated to hearing stories, learning הלכות, and practicing the מידה of the month.
תפילה is one of the cornerstones of אידישקייט. We begin in the younger grades where we focus on reading fluency, and we continue from grade to grade as we learn about the פירוש המילות, emotions, and הלכות of the words we say every day.
Time every week is dedicated to learning about the פרשה השבוע. The teachers focus on דברי תורה and understanding the פרשה based on לקוטי שיחות
יום טוב
Every יום טוב is brought to life with hands on activities and text based learning.
ספר המצות
Our תלמידים proudly participate in the חידון. Many students even voluntarily use their own recess time to study.
Texts are studied in אידיש across the grades. Our goal is to ensure that our תלמידים have a proficiency in אידיש so that they can fluently learn the תורה of the Rabbeim.
ידיעות כלליות
ידיעות כלליות and מושגים in תורה are an important and foundational part of לימוד תורה. This area of learning provides students with the confidence and capability for strong learning throughout the grades.
הלכה is taught in all grades. In the younger grades it is taught conceptually with a hands on approach and as the students get older we move towards a text based approach.
Areas of focus in הלכה are:
- שבת
- ימים טובים
- ל”ט מלאכות
- תפילה
- ברכות
- השכמת הבוקר
- תפילין
- אהבת ישראל
Throughout the grades our מלמדים inspire the תלמידים with the foundations of חסידות. This includes ניגונים, מעשה רב, חסידות, תניא בעל פה, and ימי חב”ד. These subjects and dates are excitingly filled with joy and imbued with inspiration. To see examples click on the See Us In Action tab.
Systematic Approach To Chumash Learning

Sailing the Seas of Gemara

Sample Chumash Workbook
General Studies
To equip students to live as proud and productive frum Yidden, we view לימוד התורה and relevant general studies as complementary rather than supplementary parts of Chinuch:
- We believe unequivocally that leading a successful, productive life is not dependent on a Regents score or university degree. We also believe it is our responsibility to give children foundational tools and skills to lead confident, purposeful and productive lives as a Torah Jew.
- Our students think, speak and communicate in English. To ensure they can understand and express the תורה they learn with absolute clarity and comprehension, all instruction at ULYOP is in English. Toward this same goal, we also teach our students to read and write in English.
- We teach a selection of general studies that are explicitly relevant to a life of תורה and אידישקייט, with materials carefully selected to ensure they are in consonance with our values, and are framed through the lens of תורה.
- For example: students may write an essay about a portion in חומש using proper grammar and conventions of English, or practice reading comprehension from an English מדרש text.

Students writing about Purim – Purim Timeline Project
- Extensive training and goal-setting ensure the learning quality of the General Studies subjects, which also include grade-level math, and relevant, thoughtfully-selected elements of History, Social Studies, Geography, and Science.
- Significantly, subjects are taught by one staff of Mechanchim who teach a תורה-based program all day. Why?
- This innovative paradigm teaches Talmidim to value learning of all kinds: when the teacher himself is an example of holistic Chinuch, the student’s respect, behavior and motivation remain consistent throughout the school day.
- Part-time teachers are inevitably preoccupied teachers, often with multiple jobs to think about. Our students need teachers who are 100% devoted and 100% present. In other words: 100% chinuch professionals.
- We offer a wide range of co-curricular subjects and activities, designed to promote basic life skills. Students learn: Basics of computers, communication skills, public speaking and debating, and physical education.

Purim Timeline Project: English reading and writing all bout the story of Purim. Skills focused on: research, reading, writing, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and essay writing.
ELA Sample Writing Workshop
Sample Math Workbook Pages
Sample Chumash Workbook
General Studies
To equip students to live as proud and productive frum Yidden, we view לימוד התורה and relevant general studies as complementary rather than supplementary parts of Chinuch:
- We believe unequivocally that leading a successful, productive life is not dependent on a Regents score or university degree. We also believe it is our responsibility to give children foundational tools and skills to lead confident, purposeful and productive lives as a Torah Jew.
- Our students think, speak and communicate in English. To ensure they can understand and express the תורה they learn with absolute clarity and comprehension, all instruction at ULYOP is in English. Toward this same goal, we also teach our students to read and write in English.
- We teach a selection of general studies that are explicitly relevant to a life of תורה and אידישקייט, with materials carefully selected to ensure they are in consonance with our values, and are framed through the lens of תורה.
- For example: students may write an essay about a portion in חומש using proper grammar and conventions of English, or practice reading comprehension from an English מדרש text.
- Extensive training and goal-setting ensure the learning quality of the General Studies subjects, which also include grade-level math, and relevant, thoughtfully-selected elements of History, Social Studies, Geography, and Science.
- Significantly, subjects are taught by one staff of Mechanchim who teach a תורה-based program all day. Why?
- This innovative paradigm teaches Talmidim to value learning of all kinds: when the teacher himself is an example of holistic Chinuch, the student’s respect, behavior and motivation remain consistent throughout the school day.
- Part-time teachers are inevitably preoccupied teachers, often with multiple jobs to think about. Our students need teachers who are 100% devoted and 100% present. In other words: 100% chinuch professional
- We offer a wide range of co-curricular subjects and activities, designed to promote basic life skills. Students learn: Basics of computers, communication skills, public speaking and debating, and physical education.